Never Lose a Sermon
Sermon Maker is a safe place to create, edit, and organize your sermons. A powerful and FREE sermon editor where every word is backed up immediately. Access sermons from any device, anywhere with internet.
Get Organized
An elegant interface designed to organize your sermon legacy. Upload past sermon manuscripts, audio, or video … or write new sermons with an intuitive editor.
Edit Everywhere
On-the-fly tweaks or deep research are now possible at the park, waiting in your car, or behind your desk. Moments of inspiration are now welcome.
Preaching Ready
Print, download, or present from any device. Use preaching mode for color-coded preaching cues, a flexible clock, and text-sizing you can actually read.
Access Anywhere
Access your entire sermon library in your car, at the coffee shop, or in a meeting with your elders.
Sermon Ideas
Search for ideas, illustrations, and inspiration without ever leaving your sermon. Now, instantly copy/paste ideas.
Preaching Mode
Just click “Present” and your entire sermon is ready to preach from your iPad, phone, or laptop screen. Quickly zoom in or out on the text, no more squinting while in the pulpit! Adjust the timer/clock so you know when it’s time to wrap things up.
Scripture Integration
View your sermon in one panel while finding a Scripture passage in another. Insert Scripture directly into your sermon. You can even create a slide from the passage with just a simple click!
Slide Decks
Build your slide deck at the same time you’re preparing your sermon. Save time and control slide content like never before.
Free Online Sermon Editor
A FREE online editor for writing your sermons, planning your church service, and organizing your preaching legacy.
Your Sermon Library
Organize your sermons. Upload, link, or create new sermons, handouts, bible studies, preaching notes, sermon video/audio, and more. Now it’s free and safe to keep everything in one place.
I love this, it helps a lot! It makes it easier to write sermons, bring my materials together, and preach from my iPad on Sundays. It’s a great resource and is user friendly.